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Story #54

Q: How did you decide on your undergraduate course of study?

A: Searched through career and courses catalogues, heard from my mother who saw the profession featured on TV, and went to an agency to apply for the course. When results came out, I then applied for MOH health science scholarship for this course and got in eventually.

Q: In retrospect, what did you think were the most useful lessons/ skills/ knowledge you'd gained from your undergraduate education?

A: 1) Specialised skills from the course itself that is essential for the actual line of work. 2) Research experience through undertaking honours project spurs the interest in continual clinical research and quality improvement projects at work. 3) Being proactive and resourceful in creating resources and solutions in the care of patients. 4) Integrative critical thinking skills in holistic management and teamwork to ensure better and safer care for patients. 5) Communication to different levels of audience to ensure effective transfer of information - across paediatric to geriatrics, professionals to non-professionals.

Q: How has your undergraduate education influenced your career choice?

A: The career and job is essentially what I have studied for. However the interest in the area of alternative and augmentative communication started with my honours project; am currently doing further skills attachment for that and looking into specialising in this area.

Q: Briefly describe your current job scope.

A: Assessment and intervention of swallowing and communication disorders in adult population.My current special interest is in alternative and augmentative communication, and in ALS management. Also providing mentoring to students and new staff.

Q: To what extent is your current job related to your undergraduate course of study?

A: Totally related - I acquired the skills required to perform the job through my undergraduate education/ The course was a pre-requisite for my job.

Q: What are some additional areas you wish your undergraduate education could have covered?

A: More clinical placements - it was hard to get exposure to different settings given the availability of placements. Also the downside of doing it overseas, some things may work overseas but not in local context and culture.

If you would like to contact Xuet Ying for more information regarding education/ career choices, feel free to drop us a mail via the Contact Us section below. We'll link you up!

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