Jun 20, 2021
Working with regex - Python
Recently I had to work with regex and wasn't sure if I was going to get the output I want based on the regex I came up with/ the...
May 20, 2021
Conf42: Python 2021 Talk - Announcement
I'll be giving a talk on the above at Conf42: Python 2021. More details can be found here: http://www.conf42.com/Python_2021_Hui_Xiang_Ch...
Nov 5, 2020
Jupyter notebook pointing to wrong virtual environment
I recently cultivated the habit of using virtual environment a.k.a virtualenv (should have done it long time ago for better project...
Oct 26, 2020
Handling None and NaN in Pandas - Python
The other day as I was reading in a data from BigQuery into pandas dataframe, I realised the data type for column containing all nulls...
Jul 31, 2020
Engineering job openings in Singapore
The following information for over 5000 job opening listed on a government portal for virtual career fairs was scraped: title, company,...
Jul 8, 2020
Creating a blended/ average face based on multiple faces
With current deep learning algorithms, we can create a new (averaged) face based on photos of multiple faces and this can be done easily....
Jun 13, 2020
EuroPython 2020 Presentation - Announcement
For the latest call for proposals to include other timezones from Asia Pacific and Americas, I decided to submit a talk and am glad that...
May 30, 2020
Extracting text data from online image
Here's the link to the exact notebook: https://github.com/hxchua/datadoubleconfirm/blob/master/notebooks/pytesseract_onlineimage.ipynb.
May 16, 2020
Line charts with Matplotlib and Seaborn
It took me really long to figure out how to plot the charts out using matplotlib and seaborn. If you need to use major/ minor ticks,...
May 10, 2020
Working with JSON in Python
JSON files/ formats have a dictionary data structure and so it might make them less straightforward to use compared to list/ dataframes....