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Story #82

Q: How did you decide on your undergraduate course of study?

A: Decided because I thought it was general enough to get me anywhere in life. After all, it's a degree paper.

Q: In retrospect, what did you think were the most useful lessons/ skills/ knowledge you'd gained from your undergraduate education?

A: I never doubted my education and thought the best part of it, is making sure that you made the best possible connections. Especially so when you know "useful people".

Q: How has your undergraduate education influenced your career choice?

A: I always wanted a career switch from finance to something more people oriented. I did not want to do HR and decided on Customer Service where I can help people and derive satisfaction. Mainly the degree was a bridging gap to be posted overseas.

Q: Briefly describe your current job scope.

A: Currently a team leader for the Taiwan and Singapore market. Leading projects and designing system alongside with vendor. Proposing requirements and mainly customer service work.

Q: To what extent is your current job related to your undergraduate course of study?

A: Somewhat related.

Q: What are some additional areas you wish your undergraduate education could have covered?

A: Had more time to know people and participated in different project groups.

If you would like to contact BoT for more information regarding education/ career choices, feel free to drop us a mail via the Contact Us section below. We'll link you up!

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