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Story #62

Q: How did you decide on your undergraduate course of study?

A: Considered my own strengths as well as what I was looking for in a job. I spoke with people whom I felt understood me well, and were able to give me honest feedback about my strengths and weaknesses, and whether I might be happy in certain jobs.

Q: In retrospect, what did you think were the most useful lessons/ skills/ knowledge you'd gained from your undergraduate education?

A: With a degree like dentistry, every day I am using skills that I gained from my undergraduate education.

Q: How has your undergraduate education influenced your career choice?

A: Everybody who does dentistry at NUS has a bond to serve upon graduation: I do not feel like I have made any major choices about my career.

Q: Briefly describe your current job scope.

A: I currently work with the Faculty of Dentistry as a dental instructor and with the NUH Dental Centre as a Dental Officer. I split my time between teaching, doing research and being a dentist in the clinic.

Q: To what extent is your current job related to your undergraduate course of study?

A: Totally related - I acquired the skills required to perform the job through my undergraduate education/ The course was a pre-requisite for my job.

Q: What are some additional areas you wish your undergraduate education could have covered?

A: The breath of dentistry that was taught could have been wider.

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