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Story #19

Q: How did you decide on your undergraduate course of study?

A: I wanted to pursue something related to medicine, but yet knowing that I won't have the passion to push through a medical course. So I chose the next best biology-related course.

Q: In retrospect, what did you think were the most useful lessons/ skills/ knowledge you'd gained from your undergraduate education?

A: I think the wide range of modules in the Life Sciences course (from molecular biology to evolution) allowed me to see the spread of topics in the field. Eventually I concentrated in biomedical sciences from third year onwards and the course became much more focused. I also took part in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme for Science (UROPS) when I got to pick up independent research skills that eventually paved the way for my honours and PhD projects, as well as a passion for scientific research.

Q: How has your undergraduate education influenced your career choice?

A: The research stint definitely helped to forge my passion as well as independent research skills, which are important traits for my career as a laboratory scientist.

Q: Briefly describe your current job scope.

A: I am in charge of quality assurance in a laboratory at the hospital that provides service to aid in diagnosis. In addition, I also carry out academic research and follow new developments in the field that can potentially be put into service for better diagnosis and treatments.

Q: To what extent is your current job related to your undergraduate course of study?

A: Totally related - I acquired the skills required to perform the job through my undergraduate education/ The course was a pre-requisite for my job.

Q: What are some additional areas you wish your undergraduate education could have covered?

A: Internship at a related industry will be very helpful to know what is out there.

If you would like to contact Wong Wan Hui for more information regarding education/ career choices, feel free to drop us a mail via the Contact Us section below. We'll link you up!

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