Oct 30, 2019Cross-sharing data on data.worldWhile I mainly host my datasets on my Github repository, I have also cross-shared some datasets on data.world as the platform is...
Oct 4, 2019KDD Conference videosDid you know that presentations at the KDD conference are open-sourced? There are so many different use cases and algorithms shared at...
Sep 15, 2019Installing R kernel in JupyterWith R, and Ananconda installed, we can also use R in Jupyter notebook. So my previous laptop died and now I have to re-install...
Sep 8, 2019Downloading a folder from GithubThere are occasions where we might want to download only a folder from someone's Github repository instead of the entire repository (at...
Sep 8, 2019Workshop at PyCon - AnnouncementI will be conducting a workshop on "Webscraping using Selenium, Beautifulsoup and APIs" at PyCon Singapore on 12 Oct! If interested, get...
Aug 11, 2019Challenges at the start of a data projectAs with my other posts, I am using the title "data scientist" loosely because titles are not consistently used across the industry so to...
Jul 27, 2019General Assembly workshops - AnnouncementThis is a note on the list of workshops that I will be conducting over the next few months and also sharing a piece of update here, I...
Jul 6, 2019Kaggle SQL CampCurrently am trying to learn about how SQL works with BigQuery. If you're trying to pick up SQL or get a bit more familar with BigQuery,...
Jun 29, 2019Buy Me A Coffee - AnnouncementHere's sharing an update on a change on my site, I have added a new feature that allows you to show your support in more tangible ways :)...
Jun 23, 2019Emoji dataI got to chance upon the emoji python package that allows printing emojis in Python and decided to collect some data relating to emojis...
May 28, 2019Write-up on 2nd Applying Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Enterprises ConferenceI had the pleasure of attending the 2nd Applying Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Enterprises Conference by Clariden Global....
May 7, 2019Sample size and correlationA typical question faced is how much data is considered enough. The answer is it depends. First and foremost, we need to know what...